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Miguel Brave

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Posts posted by Miguel Brave

  1. I am not using video, is only the name of the class, sorry for the nomenclature... I want to do a mask effect scrolling sections like in this site (without the intro sprite "video" on scroll, only the sections with image and text): https://www.cavuventures.com/ 


    In local, does my example move the clip-path mask when you move your finger in the trackpad without release? Or is moving the clip-path when you release?


    I´m testing in Google Chrome, important! It is working fine in Safari and Firefox. It doesn´t work fine in Chrome... but in Codepen Chrome is going fine! I don´t understand what is the difference. The site https://www.cavuventures.com/  has solved the problem with Chrome. 


  2. Hi,


    I´m working with GSAP and ScrollTrigger trying to do a mask effect with clip-path css property. You can see an example here: http://www.wearebrave.net/proyectos/SCROLL/


    The scroll mouse desktop and mobile works well but  doesn´t with Trackpad of desktop. The events of ScrollTrigger are not launched with the move of finger over the trackpad. I changed the "polygon" property for "inset" and go ok.


    I put the same code in CodePen and it works well with "polygon"! You can see the same code here: 


    My reference web is https://www.cavuventures.com/, I think they use GSAP and Scrolltrigger but trackpad go perfect with the same "polygon" property animation.


    Could anybody help me? I don´t understand why trackpad works well with "polygon" transition in CodePen but doesn´t in my hosting.




    See the Pen GRMRqJQ by miguel_brave (@miguel_brave) on CodePen

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