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Posts posted by MelMelMel

  1. I want to use ScrollTrigger to scrub a video. I've tried to use other peoples' code on CodePen that do exactly what I want (animate video on scroll). But when I try to replace their src URL (for the video they've used) with the URL for a video I want to use, it never works.

    Is there video formatting I'm missing? I've watched all the ScrollTrigger tutorials with the squares and stuff and that worked fine. It seems I'm not understanding the video-specific elements of this.


    For example, this is a video I'd wanna use: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4axhyf4jv4kl9o7/World - 1992.mp4


    I've attached an example of code that was working before I replaced the video, now it's not working. 

    Thank you.

    See the Pen xxLMBJw by mel-taylor (@mel-taylor) on CodePen

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