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Posts posted by silverd

  1. Hello Zach thanks I will try it's just complicate because the project is on nuxtjs (vuejs) and so the document.body is probably weirdly understood by this framework because every time I uncomment that

    // Smooth scroll setup
          const bodyScrollBar = Scrollbar.init(document.body, {
            damping: 0.1,
            delegateTo: document,
          bodyScrollBar.setPosition(0, 0);
          // How to get them to work together
          ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("body", {
            scrollTop(value) {
              if (arguments.length) {
                bodyScrollBar.scrollTop = value;
              return bodyScrollBar.scrollTop;

    everything outside the screen is hidden like with the overflow hidden but I can scroll just nothing to see :D 
    I will try to do something on codepen or something like that for vue :) 

  2. I have no error and the smooth scroll work perfectly but when I put it into the default layouts of vueJs all the animation depending of scroll-trigger doesn't work anymore 
    did I forget something ? 


    // Smooth scroll setup
          const bodyScrollBar = Scrollbar.init(document.body, {
            damping: 0.1,
            delegateTo: document,
          bodyScrollBar.setPosition(0, 0);
          // How to get them to work together
          ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("body", {
            scrollTop(value) {
              if (arguments.length) {
                bodyScrollBar.scrollTop = value;
              return bodyScrollBar.scrollTop;


  3. Hello I have just this error and I have no idea why 

    gsap_dist_ScrollTrigger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy is not a function

    The scrollTrigger works perfectly, I just wanted to add some smooth to my scroll :) so I added that part 

          // Smooth scroll setup
          const bodyScrollBar = Scrollbar.init(document.body, {
            damping: 0.1,
            delegateTo: document,
          bodyScrollBar.setPosition(0, 0);
          // How to get them to work together
          ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("body", {
            scrollTop(value) {
              if (arguments.length) {
                bodyScrollBar.scrollTop = value;
              return bodyScrollBar.scrollTop;

    the import works perfectly otherwise my timeline below would not works 

    import { gsap } from "gsap/dist/gsap";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger";
    import Scrollbar from "smooth-scrollbar";

    so I am a bit confused because that part works fine

    let sections = gsap.utils.toArray(".linkProject");
          let tl = gsap.timeline({
            defaults: { ease: "expo.inOut" },
            scrollTrigger: {
              trigger: ".projectsListing",
              scrub: 1,
              // markers: true,
              toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
              end: "bottom 90%",
              // end: () =>
              //   "+=" + document.querySelector(".projectsListing").offsetHeight,
          tl.from(sections, {
            y: -120,
            opacity: 0,
            duration: 1.45,
            transformOrigin: "center",
            scale: 0.45,
            stagger: 0.75,

    the only part doesn't working in this is the end function he doesn't seem understand offsetHeight or offsetWidth but that is an other topic and probably related to vuejs :D 

  4. I will try your example maybe it will work thanks :) sorry if I am not really clear it's not a child into a parent but more a child into a parents sibling of the parent I want to reach :D anyway thank you

  5. for your component your $emit is into the logo who is called inside the index.vue that I already saw plenty of example like that and it's quite common but I called my component loader on the layout default and like that is above the nuxt route the header and footer who are in the default.vue layout 

    maybe I am totally wrong into my application splitting but I tried to organised everything into my default layout to be sure is everywhere if needed 

  6. Hahahaha :D in fact I try just to know when my animation from a component is done like that I can start the other one 

    my tlHome is my timeline from my <nuxt/> component index/home 
    I was just hoping maybe someone have the same kind of issue because it's difficult to explain and difficult to share but my loader component have animation when it's done complete I would like to start the animation of my home one 
    maybe I will try to use the states from VueX

  7. Hello Guys


    I have a question maybe it will be not clear but I hope :) and if there is already an answer for this specific question pls let me know :)

    so I have my portfolio app a nuxtjs app (vuejs) I have a loader so obviously it will be trigger only when you enter into my portfolio and it's working good but I would like to with the onComplete to pass a timeline.play to my first screen after the loading to start exactly after the loading ending


    but my issue is I have no idea how to proceed I thought to use an $emit but it seem didn't work 


    here my layout 


    <div id="app">
    <nuxt />

     here my loader 

    const loader = document.querySelector('.loader')
    const logo = document.querySelector('.loaderLogo')
    const messages = document.querySelector('.messages')
    const fillLogo = document.querySelector('#fillLogo')
    const strokeLogo = document.querySelector('#strokeLogo')
    let tl = gsap.timeline({
    onComplete: function(){
    this.loading = false
    tl.set(logo, {scale: 3})
    tl.set(messages, {autoAlpha: 0})
    tl.to(logo, { duration: 3, opacity: 1 })
    .from(strokeLogo, { duration: 6, drawSVG:"0" }, "-=2")
    .to(logo,{ duration: 1, scale: 1 }, "-=4.5")
    .to(strokeLogo,{ duration:1, opacity:0 }, "-=2.5")
    .from(fillLogo, { duration: 1, opacity:0 }, "-=2.5")
    .to(loader, {duration:.65, opacity:0, display:'none'})
    //console.log("duration is: " + tl.duration());

    the fini is trigger the loading false a well but the tlHome is not recognised even if I tryed with this.tlHome.play()


    I just hope someone had already a similar issue probably passing variables from sibling or parents child parents  is not the correct way for that but because Footer Header etc are split into components i would like to make sure the animation and timeline are triggering correctly when it's like that I tried to put a delay but obviously if I put a delay I have to use it only when the loader is called not everytime otherwise te home showing anim will be a bit long :D 


    thanks anyway 


  8. Thanks :)


    but the render it's not very good with your example maybe it's better with svg ?


    i have two functions and with that my design is perfect

            function init() {
              var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
              var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    function draw(ctx) {
              // fondCopie/Trac transparent
              // fondCopie/Trac transparent/Trac
              ctx.moveTo(90.0, 113.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(79.9, 113.5, 67.1, 111.3, 61.8, 106.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(59.6, 94.5, 55.7, 85.9, 51.5, 75.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(47.3, 65.6, 52.9, 56.0, 56.5, 49.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(58.7, 45.5, 67.1, 40.7, 71.9, 38.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(72.8, 38.3, 73.6, 38.0, 74.5, 37.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(75.6, 37.7, 76.7, 37.8, 77.7, 37.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(75.1, 40.7, 73.0, 42.5, 73.0, 43.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(73.0, 44.8, 73.5, 47.0, 75.1, 48.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(75.1, 48.9, 75.1, 45.2, 79.0, 46.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(79.0, 46.0, 88.6, 49.9, 88.6, 51.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(88.6, 51.6, 88.0, 55.6, 88.0, 64.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(88.0, 73.5, 89.9, 101.7, 90.0, 103.6);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 103.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7, 90.0, 103.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 103.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.1, 101.7, 92.0, 73.5, 92.0, 64.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(92.0, 55.6, 91.4, 51.6, 91.4, 51.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(91.4, 49.9, 101.0, 46.0, 101.0, 46.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(104.9, 45.2, 104.9, 48.9, 104.9, 48.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(106.5, 47.0, 107.0, 44.8, 107.0, 43.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(107.0, 42.5, 104.9, 40.7, 102.3, 37.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(103.3, 37.8, 104.4, 37.7, 105.5, 37.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(106.4, 38.0, 107.3, 38.3, 108.1, 38.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(112.9, 40.7, 121.3, 45.5, 123.5, 49.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(127.1, 56.0, 132.8, 65.6, 128.5, 75.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(124.3, 85.9, 120.4, 94.5, 118.2, 106.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(112.9, 111.3, 100.1, 113.5, 90.0, 113.5);
              // fondCopie/Trac transparent/Trac
              ctx.moveTo(48.5, 33.4);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(54.4, 29.1, 60.4, 25.9, 74.4, 35.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(74.4, 35.2, 56.2, 38.2, 48.5, 33.4);
              // fondCopie/Trac transparent/Trac
              ctx.moveTo(105.6, 35.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(119.6, 25.9, 125.6, 29.1, 131.5, 33.4);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(123.8, 38.2, 105.6, 35.2, 105.6, 35.2);
              // fondCopie/Trac transparent/Trac
              ctx.moveTo(179.9, 24.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(178.8, 31.6, 176.2, 33.7, 171.0, 36.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(165.2, 38.5, 162.2, 37.4, 155.7, 37.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(154.6, 36.2, 153.5, 34.6, 149.4, 28.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(149.4, 28.3, 155.9, 26.6, 164.2, 32.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(163.1, 31.1, 161.9, 29.6, 159.8, 27.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(157.6, 26.1, 152.0, 23.4, 147.7, 24.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(146.2, 25.2, 145.1, 26.0, 144.1, 27.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(143.5, 27.9, 143.5, 27.8, 144.1, 28.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(144.3, 28.7, 144.5, 29.0, 144.7, 29.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(148.4, 33.5, 158.6, 44.0, 161.8, 49.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(164.9, 55.6, 168.9, 70.5, 168.8, 77.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(165.4, 77.5, 161.1, 77.0, 153.6, 87.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(150.0, 93.1, 145.2, 97.2, 138.1, 100.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(136.8, 97.8, 137.2, 92.7, 139.7, 89.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(134.3, 94.3, 131.5, 98.5, 132.5, 106.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(128.7, 107.5, 124.0, 107.6, 122.3, 104.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(120.6, 100.6, 122.0, 95.4, 125.8, 87.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(130.5, 77.4, 132.8, 74.9, 133.5, 64.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(134.0, 56.3, 130.3, 49.4, 127.1, 45.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(124.3, 41.3, 117.2, 39.2, 112.8, 37.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(127.8, 39.6, 140.0, 33.8, 140.0, 33.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(135.3, 28.1, 131.3, 27.7, 131.3, 27.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(132.9, 27.1, 136.1, 26.9, 136.1, 26.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(123.8, 21.8, 114.6, 25.9, 110.2, 29.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(108.5, 31.5, 104.9, 33.6, 102.0, 33.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(99.1, 33.8, 98.5, 33.3, 97.6, 33.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(97.6, 33.1, 94.6, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7, 90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 30.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(85.4, 30.7, 82.4, 33.1, 82.4, 33.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(81.5, 33.3, 80.9, 33.8, 78.0, 33.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(75.1, 33.6, 71.5, 31.5, 69.8, 29.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(65.4, 25.9, 56.2, 21.8, 43.9, 26.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(43.9, 26.9, 47.1, 27.1, 48.7, 27.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(48.7, 27.7, 44.7, 28.1, 40.0, 33.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(40.0, 33.8, 52.2, 39.6, 67.2, 37.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(62.8, 39.2, 55.7, 41.3, 52.9, 45.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(49.7, 49.4, 46.0, 56.3, 46.5, 64.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(47.2, 74.9, 49.5, 77.4, 54.2, 87.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(58.0, 95.4, 59.4, 100.6, 57.7, 104.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(56.0, 107.6, 51.3, 107.5, 47.5, 106.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(48.5, 98.5, 45.7, 94.3, 40.3, 89.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(42.8, 92.7, 43.2, 97.8, 41.9, 100.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(34.8, 97.2, 30.0, 93.1, 26.4, 87.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(18.9, 77.0, 14.6, 77.5, 11.2, 77.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(11.1, 70.5, 15.1, 55.6, 18.2, 49.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(21.4, 44.0, 31.6, 33.5, 35.3, 29.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(35.5, 29.0, 35.7, 28.7, 35.9, 28.5);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(36.5, 27.8, 36.5, 27.9, 35.9, 27.2);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(34.9, 26.0, 33.8, 25.2, 32.3, 24.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(28.0, 23.4, 22.4, 26.1, 20.2, 27.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(18.1, 29.6, 16.9, 31.1, 15.8, 32.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(24.1, 26.6, 30.6, 28.3, 30.6, 28.3);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(26.5, 34.6, 25.4, 36.2, 24.3, 37.7);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(17.8, 37.4, 14.8, 38.5, 9.0, 36.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(3.8, 33.7, 1.2, 31.6, 0.1, 24.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(-0.9, 16.2, 5.1, 8.3, 8.4, 5.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(11.7, 1.7, 15.7, -0.4, 20.8, 0.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(25.1, 0.5, 28.8, 1.1, 33.4, 4.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(38.0, 8.4, 40.4, 11.0, 43.4, 12.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(45.5, 12.6, 47.8, 12.5, 50.7, 10.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(52.5, 9.9, 54.6, 9.0, 56.7, 8.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(62.6, 7.0, 68.8, 9.1, 74.0, 11.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(77.0, 13.5, 79.8, 15.4, 82.7, 17.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(84.7, 18.4, 86.9, 19.6, 89.4, 19.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(89.6, 19.8, 89.8, 19.8, 90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.0, 19.8, 90.0, 19.8, 90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.lineTo(90.0, 19.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(90.2, 19.8, 90.4, 19.8, 90.6, 19.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(93.1, 19.6, 95.3, 18.4, 97.3, 17.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(100.2, 15.4, 103.0, 13.5, 106.0, 11.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(111.2, 9.1, 117.4, 7.0, 123.3, 8.6);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(125.4, 9.0, 127.5, 9.9, 129.3, 10.9);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(132.2, 12.5, 134.5, 12.6, 136.6, 12.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(139.6, 11.0, 142.0, 8.4, 146.6, 4.8);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(151.2, 1.1, 154.9, 0.5, 159.2, 0.1);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(164.3, -0.4, 168.3, 1.7, 171.6, 5.0);
              ctx.bezierCurveTo(174.9, 8.3, 180.9, 16.2, 179.9, 24.0);
              ctx.fillStyle = colorLogo;

    it's my logo :) i would like that it is pixel perfect

  9. Hi :)

    i have a question maybe it's simple but maybe not :)

    I would like animate a color of canvas shape but i don't understand how

    in my draw ctx i have  this line

    ctx.fillStyle = colorLogo;

    colorLogo it's my variable

    var colorLogo = "rgb(65, 190, 238)";

     but with css in tweeMax i don't understand how i have to proceed

    can you help me ?


    i have to create a function animate ?


    Thanks :)

  10. Hello Rodrigo,

    This is a continuation of my question about text animation on the path :)
    I have not been able to do what I wanted with my text animation so I had to tweak it, taking a .gif animation is text around my form.
    That's why I have to trigger this gif. at a specific time.
    I know it's not a best practice but since I can not do it I had to try another way :(
    I should add the ".gif" at this time otherwise the animation will start from the beginning of the timeline and thus arrived at the point in question, the animation is already finished: (
  11. Hi Rodrigo,




    I wanted to know : why It's not possible to do easily

    tl.add(slide02.append('<img src="img/text.gif">'), 1.2, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Power2.easeOut});

    or .to or .insert
    because the image.gif is load in the start of animation

    I throught that as the "addchild" in flash until i don't use "addchild" the animation.gif is not load

    A bit like "load" my picture just in my timeline at the precise moment I want without using a simple function for it. Because there my function is very very simple :) maybe too simple for just load one image.gif
    But it's maybe not possible without it.
  12. Hello


    i think it's simple but i would like add and remove a image .gif in my timelineMax

    I tried to do :

    tl.to(slide02.append('<img src="img/text.gif">'), 1.2, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Power2.easeOut});

    and add or insert

    but my problem it's that the image .gif begin in start of timeline but i don"t want that, because the .gif is animate and the animation have to start after few others animations. 

    I tried with onComplete and the function but after i don't know how the remove it because after the gif animation i have few others animations and I think it's not the best way

    function addImageGif () {
        document.getElementById("imgText").innerHTML='<img src="img/text.gif">';

    Can you help me ? :)




  13. Hi Rodrigo


    thanks for your help i m going to try with that :)


    it's a little bit hard the SVG and bezierToCurv :) but i m going to find a solution with your explanation :)

    Thanks again


    you are the best :)


  14. Thanks Rodrigo


    It's easy when you explain to me like that :)

    Easy easy it's a big word but more easy :)


    I read the D3.js tutorial and i tried to understant it, but it's not very easy for me i'm a beginner not a expert in javascript :)

    because in this tutorial the svg is a random path not a design path. 

    I am going to try with kiwi svg example :) I think it's more easy like that

    My words have to follow the kiwi path on start and after i use your second part of explaination for go to the straight line




  15. Thanks Rodrigo


    I am going to try to do that :)

    it's maybe a little hard because i would like to do a animation after, as you do in your first example code :) to do a straight line at the end

    because if the path are to hard maybe the animation doesn't work easily


    Thanks a lot for your help :)

    If you can, send me how i must do for protect my buy file (SplitText) as you say me :)



  16. Hi again :)


    I have a question in your code you use path with x and y

    but when I generate my path in canvas i have this :

          ctx.moveTo(7.1, 217.8);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(-10.4, 157.9, 4.4, 87.8, 59.7, 41.1);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(167.9, -50.4, 242.2, 40.0, 242.2, 40.0);
          ctx.lineTo(248.1, 38.3);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(253.0, 38.3, 279.1, 50.2, 284.4, 57.2);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(289.6, 64.2, 326.8, 88.5, 326.8, 88.5);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(326.8, 88.5, 356.4, 78.3, 362.3, 82.6);
          ctx.lineTo(381.2, 105.8);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(381.2, 105.8, 402.6, 117.5, 394.1, 158.6);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(394.1, 158.6, 402.1, 189.6, 376.4, 212.0);
          ctx.lineTo(351.9, 233.9);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(351.9, 233.9, 326.7, 265.4, 325.7, 271.3);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(324.6, 277.2, 327.9, 281.1, 327.9, 281.1);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(291.4, 309.8, 235.9, 357.6, 132.7, 336.5);
          ctx.bezierCurveTo(73.9, 324.5, 27.2, 279.2, 8.9, 223.8);
          ctx.lineWidth = 0.3;
          ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";

    and in svg format I have this kind of code :

    <path fill="none" stroke="#FF0000" stroke-width="0.2728" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M290.514,343.786

    How to do for translate that in position x and y :)

    Where Can I find that, you have a "software" or a "website" to find the coordonates x and y ? because my path are also complexe



  17. Thanks :)

    Yes i am going maybe try the contest

    i had thinking also use SplitText i m already club member :) but the animation is for a customer maybe and i don't want put this plugin in the package :) it's normal :)

    i saw the new video on SplitText yesterday it's awesome :)

  18. Yes like that :)

    I can put in place of the square, a letter from my sentence and return to a straight line like that, you think?
    Because in fact I would like to make an animation from a text on a path, which follows the shape of shell and return to a normal text line


    Thanks :)

  19. Yes a little

    but i would like to start from the arc text (your finish) to inline text standard

    it's maybe the same think in the other way

    I would like to beziers curves so that they become flat (inline)

    as a Arc to become a line but with text :)


    Maybe i am not very clear :)

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