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Posts posted by WNDR

  1. Hi and thanks again for the help.
    With your suggestion it seems to have resolved itself.
    The person who reported the problem to me uses Chrome like me, but even trying from other completely clean browsers he found the same bug .... who knows!
    Anyway it is now fixed and works perfectly.

  2. Hello again,
    I resume this topic to ask another question.

    I updated the initial codepen by inserting a new "slide" and other elements as you can see here:

    Please ignore the aesthetics, it is for demonstration purposes only 😅


    It seems that on some Windows (with resolution 1536×714) the scroll from the second slide to the third leads directly to the fourth slide (the one with a black background and the two links).
    I work on a Mac and even if I simulate the resolution indicated, I cannot replicate the problem.

    Anyone have any idea why this happens?


    Thank you

  3. Hi @mvaneijgen and thanks for your answer!!

    My hitch was (and still is) in the misunderstanding with what was triggered: it is a concept that I still struggle to fully understand.
    I activated the second section (# section-context-second) and then it didn't work.
    Anyway your example fits perfectly: I simply had to give opacity 0 to the text, or toggle a class to hide it, but I couldn't do it.
    I'm learning directly about a project that will go into production shortly, so your advice to first try animating and then inserting ScrollTrigger is also a great point of view.

  4. Hello everyone and thanks in advance for those who want to help me.
    I am new to the GreenSock world and am trying to reproduce a vertical slider as you can see in the CodePen example.
    However, I cannot understand how to make the text of the first (lorem ipsum) disappear when the second slide appears.
    I've tried to do this with a simple toggleClass, but it doesn't work and I don't understand where I'm fossilizing.
    Can you help me? Thank you

    See the Pen MWXaZPm by WNDR (@WNDR) on CodePen

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