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Posts posted by Haansplosion13

  1. Hi Guys,


    Completely understand the frustration from both sides of the fence, its an uphill battle either way - and there is definitely no holy middle ground.


    I havent followed muse religiously, simply picked it up and dropped it when it was in beta and am only now getting around to experimenting in it.


    As someone who definitely comes from the design side of things, the sole reason I got into coding in actionscript was the greensock platform and the possibilities, complexity, and most importantly ease of use that it gave over the traditional animation method. When looking at creating websites/minisites, Muse (moreso when it matures to a full product offering) would be a brilliant tool to easily create sites for those with design in mind.. But to add the greensock capabilities to it would increase the usefulness of it tenfold, and would create a powerful tool with great possibilities.


    To get around the id issue you can manually code and insert the HTML, as I have done in the attached example (Unfortunately a terrible workaround I've had to use with javascript previously).


    Any help you could give me to get this working would be fantastic, as it potentially could be a really great tool to introduce an amazing platform (Greensock) to those without the skill to code, and also provide a much easier and more familiar interface for those with design in mind.




  2. Hi All,


    I have been playing around on the latest version of Adobe muse since the weekend, and its shaping up to be a pretty rad tool. My only problem is, I want to use my shiny new javascript version of the ever incredible Greensock platform - but cannot seem to get it to work..


    I have tried everything I can think of with no result, I was wondering if anyone else had any luck?



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