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Posts posted by mal458

  1. Hello! 

    I am a student taking a motion course.. and I am trying to figure out why my SVG elements aren't hiding themselves before I call on them. I am using Draw SVG to draw in each element and then each element is supposed to snake its way off the page and then another element would start. I was able to make that happen with help from my professor, but now that I have applied that code to all of my elements each SVG is displaying and only going away after it has completed its motion, so it looks like a hot mess. I have attached my CodePen and hope that what I have typed here makes some sense. I apologize if my code or explanation are not efficient just yet.. I have only just begun using GSAP and am very much still tying to figure things out!! Thank you to anyone who can help, it is much appreciated!!!

    See the Pen KKvQLJy by maddylobb (@maddylobb) on CodePen

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