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Posts posted by elspoono2

  1. Hi Zach

    Thanks for the "max" js.

    As I understand it progress() will give me the current position of the timeline but if the user has manually scrolled the div to a new position this won't match correct?. So maybe I do need a ratio to synchronise the timeline via progress() or seek(). Does that make sense? I guess I could remake the timeline from scratch each time rather than pausing/resuming maybe that would be easier?

  2. I'm using the following code to automatically scroll a div up & down when the user has not been interacting for a while (idle). 

    objListingScrollTween = gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 1, yoyo: true });
    objListingScrollTween.add(gsap.to("#sessionListingsHolder", { duration: 5, scrollTo: { y: "max" }, ease: "none"}));

    This works fine but I have two questions:

    1) is there an inbuilt way of getting the value of  "max" ?

    2) when the user interacts, I pause the timeline. When idle resumes I call resume() on the timeline. But the user may have scrolled manually to a different scroll position in which case there is a jump. Is there an inbuilt way to get the value the timeline needs to seek() to in order to restart the timeline from the correct place?



  3. Hi Jack

    On the http://greensock.com/gsap-1-18-0 page I couldn't leave a comment even though I was logged in.


    Anyway you said "...these changes are for HTML5/JS only. Demand for the Flash version is tiny now that browsers are phasing Flash out, so all of our attention is on the HTML5/JS toolset at this point."


    Demand may be tiny and I understand your business decisions but please don't forget those of us still actively developing AIR and Flash applications. For instance our business uses a custom network media delivery system running in AIR/Flash and we are constantly developing new AIR kiosk apps and indeed hiring Flash devs to do so (when we can find 'em). 





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