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  1. Hi, When I realised my opacity tweens weren't working in IE8, i thought i would create two classes : .on{ filter:alpha(opacity=100); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; } .off{ filter:alpha(opacity=0); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; } and then tween my objects class... Is it possible ? Any other idea to avoid that opacity problem ? => i checked the FAQ saying opacity is ok on every explorer, i might have some other problem somewhere else, but i would still like to know if it is possible to tween the class itself... Pleeeeeeeease
  2. I got, only the syntax was wrong : timelinenumbers.append( TweenLite.fromTo($("#num02"), timingnumbers,{css:{left:854}}, {css: {left:-520}}, -0.5 ) ); works fine !
  3. Hello, I have a timelinelite with 4 tweens appended to it, and i would like to make the second one start like 0.5 s before first one ends etc. How can i do that please ? I tried setting a negative delay but it won't work... var timingnumbers = 4; var timelinenumbers = new TimelineLite(); timelinenumbers.append( TweenLite.fromTo($("#num01"), timingnumbers,{css:{left:-441}}, {css: {left:850}} ) ); timelinenumbers.append( TweenLite.fromTo($("#num02"), timingnumbers,{css:{left:854}}, {css: {left:-520}}, {delay:-0.5} ) ); timelinenumbers.append( TweenLite.fromTo($("#num03"), timingnumbers,{css:{left:-450}}, {css: {left:851}}, {delay:-0.5} ) ); timelinenumbers.append( TweenLite.fromTo($("#num04"), timingnumbers,{css:{left:852}}, {css: {left:-520}}, {delay:-0.5} ) );
  4. Thank you very much for your help. It's muuuch appriciated. I sure need to jump deep in and practice a lot, and i will do so, The thing is i need to fade in a building while I fade out another one, and to trigger the listeners when a fadein tween has completed... the reason i want to do that is the way i coded it until now (through Flash IDE) creates issues with the listeners as targets aren't always on the stage (i guess that's the problem) And to make it a bit easier, I thought I could label all that in order to call the tweens randomly... In fact i was having trouble and when i discovered TimeLineLite I thought THAT was the best way to proceed, but i might be completely wrong... Thank you for the help !
  5. Hi everybody, I'm new to timelinelite, someone recommend it to me to help me solve the problem i had, and it did, thanks for that incredible tool ! But now I'm having some other issues. Let me try to describe what I want, and hopefully someone will generously help me... The main stage has several different movieclips, each one containing a few buildings (it's a city landscape divided in different grounds). Some of the buildings are actually made of three different buildings, and the idea is to make them switch one from the other, randomly. So let's say I have two mc, (background and foreground), each one composed of 5 or 6 mc (building1, buiding2, etc..). A function called every 10 seconds with a timer, randomly picks a building, like building2, and plays it. Building2 has 3 children on its timeline, Fading one out and the next one in at the same time, then stops. That way, next time the random function picks it, it's gonna play from where it is to the next stop, fading the visible sub building out and revealing the next one. I'm trying to reproduce that using timelinelites, as i think it's gonna improve it a lot, AND might solve the issue I have which appeared when the b****** client asked for the sub buildings to have mouseEventListeners... The way I designed it at first makes it hard to add mouseover effects and I have a feeling i should : - create a timelinelite for each randomized building - adding labels to be able to target every 'state' of the building so that i could play them randomly - adding listeners to the building only when it's visible on the stage - removing them when it's not visible anymore - ... First things firts, I started trying to create a timelinelite that would just make my sub building appears one after the other, and i'm stuck already.. Any idea how to structure that ?
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