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Posts posted by casie150

  1. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);
       ScrollTrigger.config({ limitCallbacks: true });
       const whyItems = gsap.utils.toArray('.why_list_item');
        whyItems.forEach(whyItem => {
        gsap.from(whyItem, { 
            y: 80,
            duration: 0.5,
            delay: 0.5,
            opacity: 0,
            scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: whyItem, 
        const upAnis = gsap.utils.toArray('.up_ani');
            upAnis.forEach(upAni => {
            gsap.from(upAni, { 
                y: 80,
                opacity: 0,
                duration: 1.0,
                scrollTrigger: {
                    trigger: upAni,
        const wipes = gsap.utils.toArray('.wipe ');
            wipes.forEach(wipe => {
            const timeWipe = gsap.timeline({
                scrollTrigger: {
                    trigger: wipe,
            timeWipe.to($(wipe).find('.wipe_overlay'), { 
                width: "100%",
                duration: 0.8,
                ease: Power2.easeInOut,
                transformOrigin: "left",
            timeWipe.to($(wipe).find('.wipe_img'), { 
                autoAlpha: 1, 
                duration: 0,
                delay: -0.1,
            timeWipe.to($(wipe).find('.wipe_overlay'), { 
                width: "0%",
                duration: 0.8,
                transformOrigin: "right",
                ease: Power1.easeInOut,
                right: "0",

    Hi Everyone,

    My code isn't always firing completly, sometimes there is a big delay or it doesn't finish all the animations.
    Please view my website and refresh and scroll a couple of times to generate the problem. www.1314media.nl

    Hope someone can help me!

    Thanks in advance.

    Cas Bukkems

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