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Posts posted by NikitaKurnosov

  1. Hey,


    Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for and that works! Thank you!


    I wondered if we could increase the speed by reducing the animation time to 1 so that our elements move pretty fast. Is there any way to increase the accuracy of stopping to one place, otherwise in this case it will stop in a range of up to about 10-15 pixels in my tests.


    Best regards,


  2. Hey @mikel, thanks for the answer.

    The example really shows how you can make an infinite scroll with items.

    But my main question is to stop it exactly in the middle of the container on a specific item, so this does not help me solve my problem.


    Please, look at the updated example: 

    See the Pen qBVQjwa?editors=1111 by kurnosovnikita (@kurnosovnikita) on CodePen

    I've added "data-id" on each ".box" element and tried to determine the target position where I would like to stop the timeline.




  3. Dear GSAP Team,


    I'm currently trying to work with an infinite animation and trying to solve the problem of how I can stop it from running at a specific position in the action.

    Please, check codepen example, when you click on the Start button, an animation is started that starts an endless cycle of scrolling items, when you enter a certain number in the input field and click on the Stop button, I want the item with this number to be in the middle of my container the next time it appears on the screen.


    Could you please help to resolve that issue and stop animation on a specific item in the center of the container?


    Thank you in advance!

    See the Pen ZEamOPz?editors=1111 by kurnosovnikita (@kurnosovnikita) on CodePen

  4. Dear GreenSock Team,


    I'm diving into GSAP plugins and whole animation things for a while and face with the question, I would appreciate if you can help me with it.

    I'm trying to control the animation process(the speed/ the duration) of SVG path revealing during scrolling.


    That example was created based on yours which I found in the showcase section and I modified it a bit.

    It uses ScrollTrigger/DrawSVGPlugin/MotionPathPlugin plugins.

    I'm trying to control the circle, which is linked to the SVG path, to keep it always in the viewport. Now, it can be bellow the viewport at some scroll positions.

    So, for example from 0% to 30% of the scroll height I would like to see the circle goes slow, then to increase the speed from 30% - 50% and so on, the main idea is to control the process of reveling that path.


    I was trying to play with duration/scrub/end paramsbut I was able to change only the whole animation process but not the specific part of it.


    I would really appreciate your support with that question!

    Thank you in advance!


    See the Pen vYmMaXy by kurnosovnikita (@kurnosovnikita) on CodePen

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