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Posts posted by junik91

  1. I created sample code pen to visualize: 

    See the Pen rNKqwbB by dzunik91 (@dzunik91) on CodePen


    So figured it out that i can use .add() on main timeline to apply text enter on particular position on main videoTimeline but I want to make sure that my Text section hits top of viewport in precise second to sync video and text. What I am missing here ?

    Question 2: why pinned element is hidding under the outro sections ? why its not getting unpined ?

  2. Dear Forum, in above example it work like charm because we are calling a text animation tween on exact position that we want on main timeline. But is there a way to still position tween on exact position but add a scrub to it ? so the text will fade as user scroll ? Full controll. Should text have another timeline that has same length as main videotimeline ? Is this a right thinking ? Cheers on firday.

  3. Hello, 
    I wanted to re-create effect from video below
    So as you can see in the codepen with example i created two tweens for text Enter (opacity 0 -> 100) and Leave (opacity 100 -> 0) and it works like charm but if you see on the video I can see that backgorund is moving in slightly different speed that text - parallax how can I force same behaviour on image element that has position absolute inside of container that has 100vh height ?
    Question 2: Is it a correct approach to create two tween one for enter another for leaving in the text element ? 

    Question 3: lets say I have 10+ sections so for each image element and text-element there will be separate timeline and scrolltrigger watcher. Does this have an impact on performance ? Is this a right approach ?


    Cheers, happy wednesday


    See the Pen XWYBOmY by dzunik91 (@dzunik91) on CodePen

  4. Hello Dear Forum, 
    I am trying to do a certain operation. I am extending a codepen of https://codepen.io/shshaw witch allows you to scrub video with scrollTrigger to achive effect of "going" thru timeline via scroll. 

    Goal: I added data-attributes to each slide with value that in my mind represents a second of main video to display text and I want to force the particular slide text to display in given second. (If the video is in 4th second display slide1 text and so on.)
    Question: How can I add simple tween .from() to text and place it in particular place of videoTimeline

    I know that have values like `progress` and `videoDuration` available in`onUpdate`
    callback of videoTimeline but i am not so sure how can i use them.


    Should I create separate timeline just for text with a duration of it coresponding to video timeline ?


    Codepen icnluded




    See the Pen zYaLvzr by dzunik91 (@dzunik91) on CodePen

  5. Hello :)
    Dear members of this forum can i please ask for a little guidance. I want to combine three.js and gsap/scrollTrigger. My page structure is simple:

    two sections both with height: 100vh
    First section is simple hero baner that is not containing any animation (not relevant for the issue) and the second section is a place when magic should happen.
    I animating three.js model as soon as the second section hits the viewport and I did it by absolute postioning inside relative parent, creating a timeline with all the changes to model (rotation, scale, lighting, camera movment) and connect it all with scroll trigger (using "pin" propery) and this works like charm.
    Since I cant use codepen i will paste code here (so sorry)


    const timeline = gsap.timeline({
    	scrollTrigger: {
    		trigger: ".scene-wrapper",
    		start: "top",
    		scrub: 1,
    		pin: true
    	.to(ambientLight, {intensity: 4, duration: 0.4}, 'scene1')
    	.to(mainLight, {intensity: 5, duration: 0.4}, 'scene1')
    	.to(model.rotation, {y: -Math.PI / 2, duration: 4}, 'scene2')
    	.to(model.position, {x: 0, duration: 3}, 'scene2')
    	.to(camera.position, {y: 0, duration: 3}, 'scene2')
    	.to(camera.position, {z: 4, duration: 2.5}, 'scene3')
    	.to(model.rotation, {z: -0.8, duration: 3}, 'scene3')
    	.to(model.rotation, {y: -2.6, duration: 3}, 'scene3')
    	.to(model.rotation, {z: 0, duration: 3}, 'scene4')
    	.to(model.rotation, {y: -3.1, duration: 3}, 'scene4')
    	.to(camera.position, {y: 0.4, duration: 3}, 'scene4')
    	.to(camera.position, {z: 6, duration: 3}, 'scene4')


    <div class="wrapper">
            <div class="section one">
                <h1>Funny stuff</h1>
            <div class="section two scene-wrapper">
                <div class="background-container">
                    <div class="animation-container"></div>
                <div class="scroll-container">
                    <section class="scene-1 scene">
                        <div class="copy-wrapper">
                            <h2 class="headline">This is 3D Model approach</h2>
                            <p class="subtitle">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>
                    <section class="scene-2 scene">
                        <div class="content-column">
                            <div class="copy-wrapper">
                                <h2 class="headline">Scene 2</h2>
                                <p class="subtitle">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>
                        <div class="content-column">
                    <section class="scene-3 scene">
                        <div class="copy-wrapper">
                            <div class="content-column">
                            <div class="content-column">
                                <div class="copy-wrapper">
                                    <h2 class="headline">Scene 3</h2>
                                    <p class="subtitle">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>
                    <section class="scene-4 scene">
                        <div class="copy-wrapper">
                            <h2 class="headline">Scene 4</h2>
                            <p class="subtitle">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>

    As you can see inside ".scene-wrapper" i have container for aniamtion AND for 4 sections that i called scenes. My model is pined to a container and stays always on top of the screen (thats desired behaviour) but now i want to hide ans show this 4 texts from the "scens" in particular moments of my aniamtion and I dont know how to approach this.... So question to you dear forum: 
    1. Should I add animations of each text to the created timeline and create even longer timeline that i have right now or create separate timeline for text ?
    2. Do I need second scrollTrigger instance just for texts ?
    To give you an idea what I want to create please see screenshots :)

    NOTE: this is free model downloaded from 





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