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  1. saki

    GSAP with P5js

    Hello, I have a question regarding gsap in connection with P5.js. Is it possible to move a text() from p5js with gsap.to()? As soon as I try this, I get the following error: Invalid property x set to 30 Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin() (note: these are two screenshots from different files)
  2. It didn't work exactly the path from the video, but the video still helped! My path that finally worked is: import { gsap } from '../node_modules/gsap/index.js'; Thank you
  3. Hey guys! I am a GSAP beginner and need your help. I would like to include GSAP in my animaster.js file via npm and I have GSAP installed and in my node_modules folder. As soon as I want to import GSAP, I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property window of #<Window> which has only a getter Can you tell me what is the reason for this? :) Thank you!
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