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Posts posted by fmir86

  1. Hey guys, thanks in advance for the support.


    Recently I choose GSAP ScrollTo Plugin to solve a situation on my site.



    Basically I coded a window.onload function, that evaluates the url hashtag. The format of the hashtag is "#whatever_Details".

    So, I take this hashtag and using the substr() method I isolate the part of the hashtag containing the name of the section ("whatever")

    and concatenating "_article". The real id of the elements to target is this, they end with "_article".


    I pass the "whatever_article" to the ScrollTo plugin 


    This is the current script:

    			document.body.className = "stop-scrolling";
    			window.onload = function(){
    				document.body.className = "";
    				var hashText, verticalOffset = 70;
    				if(location.hash != ""){
    					hashText = location.hash.substr(1, (location.hash.length - 9));
    					TweenMax.to(window, 0, {scrollTo:document.getElementById(hashText + "_article").offsetTop - verticalOffset});

    However, It doesn't work. And in Chrome I get a weird error:


    TweenMax.min.js:17 Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin ""https://www.google.com".  The frame requesting access has a protocol of "http", the frame being accessed has a protocol of "https". Protocols must match.


    This error is fired infinitely.


    On Firefox I get a recurrent error, but with a different description:


    Error: Permission denied to access property "_gsTweenID"


    This is the webpage with the problem:


    You can put "#experience_Details" at the end of the url, to test what i am describing.


    The weird thing is that this code was actually working already on another section:



    Do you guys have any idea of what could be causing this problem?




  2. Great!, honestly I just was trying each one of the plugins, and I used a simple movieclip in order to test that setSize plugin.

    It works in AS3, but I was wondering a lot of time why did not work in AS2 untill I decided to ask in the forum.

    I tested using a textArea component and works sweet.


    Thanks for your support.

  3. Hi all,


    I am trying to use the setSize plugin in as2, but I cant make it work, this is the code I am using:


    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    box_mc.onRelease = expandBox;
    function expandBox(){
    TweenLite.to(box_mc, 1, {setSize:{height:500}});


    This plugin works perfect for me in AS3, but I can´t find the way to make it work in AS2, please let me know if you see the cause of the failure.



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