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Posts posted by UwetU

  1. Hi guys, I'm still quite new to gsap and I'm having some difficulties, please tell me how you can stretch the element to the full height and width of the screen, while both the container and the element itself must be pinned


    Thanks a lot in advance for your reply

  2. Cassie, yes, this is closer to what I wanted, but how to make it so that we have the effect of pinSpacing false, but at the same time that the panels go up or appear from under the current panel only at the end of its animation?  And I would like to be able to make different transitions between panels, is this even possible?

  3. Cassie, thank you very much for your answers, but I understand how to make an animation if the panels are located strictly after each other, I would like to understand how to make a sequential animation, but then get the effect of the appearance of a slide from under another, for example, with a slight displacement along the y axis, as soon as you start  using the transform property, it becomes unclear how to calculate the end of the first animation and the beginning of the second, since the scrolltriggers are defined without offset

  4. Cassie, thanks for your reply. Yes, for sure there is no need to be the main scrolltrigger, but somehow I need to fix the main container and at the same time play certain animations on the panels only at the moment when the panel appears on the screen

  5. Hello guys, can you please tell me how can I make all my animations follow a certain order of adding to the main timeline? Because now the first and second functions are executed simultaneously, I can't figure out how to universally set the beginning of a new trigger to the end of the previous one?
    P.S. Thanks a lot in advance

    See the Pen gOWOryR by uwetu (@uwetu) on CodePen

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