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Hi all,

I am very new to loadermax and fairly inexperienced with AS3 so apologise if I have missed or misunderstood some documentation that explains this.

I am currently using SWFLoader to load 3 external swfs into a main swf. I have constructed a preloader in this main swf that 'draws' a ring using masking. The ring currently tracks the load progress of the whole queue (see code below) however I want it to track the load progress of Atoms.swf. The ultimate aim is to repeat this for the other array assets.

//Load external SWFs into queue
var urls:Array = ["Atoms.swf","Compounds.swf","Quiz.swf"];
var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.parse(urls);
var swfs:Array = queue.content;

queue.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoading);
function onLoading(event:LoaderEvent):void
//set variables to calculate ring rotation
var loaded1:Number = event.target.progress;
var counter1=(loaded1*100)*3.6;

//mask one semi-ring over the other

My reasoning tells me that the event.target.progress needs to be changed to track the asset loading however I am unsure what code (if any) would accomplish this. I have considered just hard-coding a ratio of queue progress to swf size for each asset but would really prefer something a bit more dynamic (so I don't need to change it when I update the external swfs in future).


I realise that this may not be the best implementation of loadermax however it currently works and I would prefer not to change it unless necessary. Sorry if this seems a bit long winded, I would really appreciate a speedy response for some enlightenment in this matter.


Thanks for LoaderMax, the whole of GreenSock and helpful responses.  :-P


Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums.


Congrats on your success with LoaderMax.


To get the progress or the children of your LoaderMax, you can listen for the CHILD_PROGRESS event like so

queue.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.CHILD_PROGRESS, onChildProgress);

function onChildProgress(e:LoaderEvent):void {
  trace(e.target, e.target.progress);

In addition to studying the LoaderMax docs, I would suggest you take a peak at this video and tutorial: http://www.snorkl.tv/2011/08/loading-images-with-loadermax-load-and-track-the-progress-of-multiple-images/ as it shows many of the properties and methods of the items in the LoaderMax classes.

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Thanks so much. I can't believe I missed that!


Just need to figure out a method to update the rotation of the seperate rings based on each childs load progress (i.e. ring1 only rotates as child1 loads, ring2 only updates as child2 loads etc).


UPDATE: Success! I have a fully working ring preloader that tracks the seperate array children loading. Thanks for everything LoaderMax and Carl!

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