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Button not working

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I have two buttons that perform the same function but only one is working. Here is the rundown.


- ipadButton - Plays one of two frame labels based on a if statements inside "devicesText". This button works perfectly.


- closeBTN - Plays the same frame labels based off the same if statements inside "devicesText", it is also nested inside "devicesText". This button only works if Button A hasn't played the frame labels and come to a stop();. It seems like the stop(); or tween kills the ability of the button to work.



import com.greensock.*;

import com.greensock.easing.*;


ipadButton.onPress = function(){

if ((largeScreen._y == 234.95) && (smallScreen._y == 239.9)) {

TweenLite.to(largeScreen, .5, {_x:20, _y:80});

TweenLite.to(smallScreen, .5, {_x:140, _y:86});


if (devicesText._currentFrame = 1) {






devicesText.closeBTN.onPress = function(){

trace ("button worked");


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i wasn't able to open your file. i only have cs5. but from your code it seems that you may want to have == instead of = inside this condition:


if (devicesText._currentFrame = 1) {


don't know if that is related to your problem or not.


from your description it is unclear what Button A is.

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I couldn't find any tweening code at all in your file. :roll:


your button isn't working because you are covering it with the shape you are using as a mask.

remove the mask and it works.


Please keep the questions you post here related to the GreenSock Tweening Platform.






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I AM using Tweenlite for this project, but removed that from the code since it wasn't the source of the conflict. I keep in mind next time to include the tweenlite code as to not upset any forum Nazis. I decide to import form the library and use tweenlite to position and tween it into position but thanks anyways.

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