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TimelineMax, TweenMax and looping a banner 2 times.

slayaz test
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Hi Guys


I've been using Tween Max for a little while at a very basic level and it has been superb for doing ad banners (which is all the flash I get to to these days).


I got some help earlier regarding a banner by putting a loop command in, which works great, but was recommended TimeLineMax, but have tried to do it but I really struggle with the documentation.


I now want to move things on and do them properly, so i can use them as a template for future jobs


My code is below and I would appreciate some help. I quite like the though of using append to build the animation rather than delay, but whatever is the best solution.


Thanks again in advance for any help as it is much appreciated.


import com.greensock.*;

var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, repeatDelay:1.5});

TweenMax.allTo([headone, headtwo, date, button], 0, {_alpha:0} );

TweenMax.allTo(headone, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:1});
TweenMax.to(headone, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:5});

TweenMax.to(headtwo, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:5});
TweenMax.to(date, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:9});

TweenMax.to(button, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:12});


P.S. The TimelineMax was added as an attempt to do the repeat but obviously it doesn't work.


Thanks again!

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when placing tweens in a TimelineLite/Max you have a few options, the most common are:




if you don't specify where the tweens should be inserted... they will go at the beginning of the timeline.


insert(someTween, 2) will put some tween at the 2 secound mark


append() always places the tween at the end of the timeline. it is perfect for building sequences and you don't have to worry about delay.

with append() you can also specify how much of an offset should be applied to the insertion point


append(someTween, -.5) will put some tween .5 seconds before the end of the timeline



appendMultiple() must be used when your tween is an allTo() or allFrom()


your code could like something like this:


var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, repeatDelay:1.5});

timeline.appendMultiple(     TweenMax.allTo([headone, headtwo, date, button], 0, {_alpha:0} )   );

timeline.append(    TweenMax.to(headone, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:1})    );
timeline.append(   TweenMax.to(headone, 2, {_alpha:0})    );


start small and experiment. Did you watch the TimelineMax video? http://www.greensock.com/timelinemax/ its a must.


TimelineMax has way too many features to discus in a single post, but hopefully this gets you on your way.

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