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Combining Flash IDE animations with TimeLineMax/Lite?

cerulean test
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I'm setting up a slideshow that needs to run in conjunction with an external audio narration.


It seemed to me that using the animateIn() and and animateOut() technique described in "Tips and Tricks" was the best way to do this -- and simply to manually note in the audio transcript the times and use them to set up the master timeline (or would a better way to do this be to convert the audio to and FLV and listen to cuepoints and pause/play the master timeline?).


My question, though, is how do I combine the timelinemax/lite techniques with Flash IDE animations? Some of the slides have animations that would be much easier to do "by hand" (that is, using Flash's own timeline) than through code. But this interferes with the simplicity of the animateIn()/Out() techniques Jack described. How do I build up a timeline within the slide that the master timeline can keep track of when the slide's timeline is done?


What's the best way?


I'm a newbie to TimelineMax but have watched the video and read the documentation, but am unclear how to integrate with the IDE.



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TweenLite can easily tween movie clips or the root timeline of a swf to any frame frame label.


http://www.snorkl.tv/2010/10/overview-o ... backwards/


The great things about using frame/frameLabel tweens is that you can easily chain them in a TimelineLite/Max, reverse them add onComplete callbacks and adjust the speed.


when you build your AnimateIn/Out() methods, you could just use some tweens that control movie clips



public function animateIn():TimelineLite {

var tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();

tl.insert(new TweenLite(some_mc, .5, {frame:300}));

tl.insert(TweenLite.from(this, 1, {x:"400", blurFilter:{blurX:50}}));

return tl;



I also have a tutorial on the GreenSock Homepage Animation OOP approach here:


http://www.snorkl.tv/2011/05/real-world ... ase-study/

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A followup question: any hints as to how to match the main timeline to an external narration? My thought was to simply do a TimelineMax.insert() of a slides animateIn() at the correct audio cue, followed by a TimelineMax.append() of the animateOut().


One of the nifty things about your example is the 'squeeziness' of using multiple append methods -- so that everything stretches and shrinks depending on the internal animations of the individual slides. When matching an external audio narrative, logically, you have to abandon this?

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