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I want to loadermax supported to flex module

fuli7 test
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I work with flex project,use flex modules.the code like follows:


private function init():void {
   var info:IModuleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule("something.swf");
   info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);  
private function modEventHandler(e:ModuleEvent):void {
   addChild(e.module.factory.create() as DisplayObject);

but now,I want to use loaderMax with this project,and the problem is how can I load the modules swf file into the flex framework with loaderMax.

I try like follows:


private function init():void {
   var loader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("something.swf", {onComplete:onLoadSWF});
private function onLoadSWF(event:LoaderEvent):void {     
  var mc:MovieClip = loader.content;


as I expected,it's not success.

this object on loaded by flex ModuleManager must be a interface of IModuleInfo,and i can't get the IModuleInfo by loaderMax.

so,i search for the forums want to find the answer.

I see the page http://forums.greensock.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4258&p=17080&hilit=flex#p17080,and i cry ^_^.

so i want to loaderMax supported to flex module,please.it's very very useful.and if it support,it's more perfect,very very thanks.


(I am from China,sorry for my bad English ^_^)

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sorry for the bad news, but from reading the post you linked to, it seems that there is really nothing that can get around specific flash player / module restrictions noted in that post. LoaderMax can only make use of features that are baked into Flash Player :(

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sorry for the bad news, but from reading the post you linked to, it seems that there is really nothing that can get around specific flash player / module restrictions noted in that post. LoaderMax can only make use of features that are baked into Flash Player :(

yes,it's a bad news.........

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Don't know if with Flex project is the same, but, I use modules for ActionScript projects,

I don't need to use the ModuleManager, apparently, is just for load and to keep some information (this is what I think, I never see the code inside ModuleManager).


I load the modules normally with LoaderMax, and works fine.

The libraries with I use in the module, know who was in the Main.swf, no problem, no more weight.

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