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Easing AllTo?

soupking test
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yes, you can put the allTo into a TimelineLite and then ease the currentProgress of the timeline:


var mcs_array:Array = [put a bunch of mcs here];

var tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({paused:true});
//append allTo to timeline
tl.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(mcs_array, 1, {y: 100}, .2));

//tween the timeline's currentProgress
//experiment with durations and ease types in the next line
TweenLite.to(tl, 5, {currentProgress:1, ease:Circ.easeIn});


you can get some really cool effects, try adding a bounce and the timeline will play and rewind in a bouncing motion.

the code above will start the tweens in the timeline very slow and progressively get faster.

this will progressively decrease the stagger amount and also make the playback of the tweens faster


if you want the tweens to playback at their normal rate, but have the stagger amount decrease over time, then you can't do allTo, you'll have to do a loop like Zync suggests here:



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Wow, okay. heh, and I thought my studies were at a plateau.


Goodness...Okay, I guess I'm going to learn about TimelineLite now. :P


If you've seen my other post you'll know I'm retarded. Everybody's way up the mountain. I feel like a snowboarder still figuring out how to get my dang ski boot in binding.


It's a bit late, so I'll probably work on this tomorrow.


Thanks a bunch for the small snippet. That stuff is like gold to me. I'm a lot better at line-by-line to chew on rather than dissecting full ideas at a time.




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Thanks for those files. For some reason it isnt letting me use the array method to add to this tween.


This works but would like to be able to do it with just one appendMultiple call...

private var dancersTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({paused:true});

dancersTimeline.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(_peopleBig_arr, .2, { repeat: -1, yoyo:true, y:"-3" } ));
		dancersTimeline.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(_peopleMed_arr, .2, { repeat: -1, yoyo:true, y:"-4" } ));
		dancersTimeline.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(_peopleSma_arr, .2, { repeat: -1, yoyo:true, y:"-5" } )); 
		dancersTimeline.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(_peopleXsm_arr, .2, { repeat: -1, yoyo:true, y:"-5" } ));

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Hi Jeff,


appendMultiple and insertMultiple take in a single array of tweens plus an offset value.


allTo creates an array of tweens. so once you use allTo inside an appendMultiple there is no room to add a bunch more tweens or arrays of tweens as they will be seen as additional parameters.


There may be some way of creating a master array, populating it with the return values of an allTo, then pushing in additional tweens or arrays of tweens and then passing that master array into the timeline with one appendMultiple... but it wouldn't be worth the effort as just a few more appendMultiples would just do that for you, give you more control and be more readable.


I don't think there is anyway to make the code you have any more streamlined, in fact I'd argue that those 4 lines do some pretty serious heavy lifting.


hope this helps



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Ah ok. I was looking in the docs and there is this line:

myTimeline.insertMultiple([new TweenLite(mc, 1, {y:"100"}), new TweenLite(mc2, 1, {x:120}), new TweenLite(mc3, 1, {alpha:0.5})], 0, TweenAlign.START, 0.2);




But i see now that each TweenLite is just tweening one movieclip... Probably cleaner to do it with the method I did above (well easier to read anyway) and it achieves what I want so I suppose it doesnt really matter ;)



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