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Split text Plugin support for canvas

Benello test
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Hi GSAP Team,

I'm currently using GSAP for my animations, and I'm particularly interested in the SplitText plugin. I'd like to know if SplitText currently supports canvas text rendering. If not, are there any plans to include canvas support for SplitText in the future?

Thank you!

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As far as I know there isn't a support for canvas because SplitText does a bunch of DOM related calculations and operations. What you could try is to create a DOM element, use SplitText on it get the result from it and add that to a canvas element (letter by letter or word by word using a loop) and then delete the DOM element to remove it from the DOM.


As far as I can tell there aren't any plans for SplitText on canvas for the future, but I don't have the final say in this though.


Happy Tweening!

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