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GSAP scroll snapping issue with fast scroll

Divyanshu_patil test
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i tried to implement this codepen but there is issue in it

when you scroll from touch screen devices like mobile , it works perfectly

but at same time if you scroll fast from the desktop or laptop it immediately scroll to bottom

or sometimes even on little fast scrolling too it scrolls by 2 panels and animations is also gittery

how can i make it to scroll perfectly even on the desktop fast scrolling (in normal scroll it works fine)

See the Pen NWxNEwY by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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Hi @Divyanshu_patil and welcome to the GSAP Forums!


What are the steps to reproduce this?


I'm trying the debug view (no iframes) without any issues:



Finally keep in mind that this demo was made in order to create an immediate snap to a new section, so when you go through more than one a jump back should be expected since GSAP will honor the toggle state update of each ScrollTrigger instance. What you could try is using the fastScrollEnd feature:



Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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