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Sticky Cards: ScrollTrigger doesn't refresh on resize

Holo_Back test
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Hi all,


I'm having this kind of sticky cards on our website and we experience that, when we resize the window, the Scrolltrigger doesn't refresh. Instead all cards are set to the end values (gsap.to(...) of the tween. The interesting thing is, that even triggering Scrolltrigger.refresh() on resize doesn't help, but triggering it two times in a row does help.

Thanks in advance!

See the Pen ZEdzQvv by pixit_design (@pixit_design) on CodePen

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This most likely stems from the fact that you're using position: sticky in your cards. Why not just let ScrollTrigger handle that with pinning and pinSpacing false:




Here are a couple of simple demos:

See the Pen bGZKWjp by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


See the Pen poBRQRj by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


Finally you could have a look at this guide @mvaneijgen wrote on the subject:


Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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