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Approach to invalid property on Vue refs.

kananomegane test
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Good day GSAP forum, I'm looking for an approach for creating of reusable gsap animations in vue/nuxt from versed people.

Here's an example of what I tried to make, but I got an invalid property error. I understand that you can't animate DOM elements.
As I was searching the forums, I got an answer to use the selector utility. However, I'm quite lost on how should I apply it. I tried the stuffs that appeared from my search and asked an AI but didn't give me results.

export function useGSAP() {
  const elementRef = ref(null);

  const linkHover = () => {
    gsap.to(elementRef.value, { y: -3, duration: 0.3 });

  const linkLeave = () => {
    gsap.to(elementRef.value, { y: 0, duration: 0.3 });

  return {

Hope people can give me on insights, thank you in advance!

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Solved it by debugging the return value of the ref.value. I don't know if this will limit my options on more advanced reusable animations, so inputs are still accepted ^^

export function useGSAP() {
  const elementRef = ref(null);

  const linkHover = () => {
    gsap.to(elementRef.value.$el, { y: -3, duration: 0.3 });

  const linkLeave = () => {
    gsap.to(elementRef.value.$el, { y: 0, duration: 0.3 });

  return {


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  • kananomegane changed the title to Approach to invalid property on Vue refs.

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