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Immediately change color with gsap.to without color-tones in between

JoussenKarliczek test
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Go to solution Solved by Carl,

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I have a text-animation that highlights sentences when scrolling down - works fine so far.


Now I´m looking for a easy way where the color switches immediately - without color-transforming.


I tried different ways with onUpdate for example, but I have no clue how to achieve that with the scrub-Option on.


Do you have any tipps or ideas?


Thanks in advance.



See the Pen WNByJvE by joussenkarliczek (@joussenkarliczek) on CodePen

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Thanks for the demo.


If you don't want your animations to have any animation you can set duration:0 or use a set()


Once your animations don't have any duration it is important to space them apart in the timeline by using a position parameter.


I'm using index * 0.5 in your loop.


Without the position parameter they will all run at the same time.


See the Pen JjqZvOj?editors=0110 by snorkltv (@snorkltv) on CodePen


Hopefully this helps

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Hi Carl,


thanks for your fast answer. I made adjustments to the codepen where I only Highlight one sentence and extended it with your input.


The Problem now is that the sentence at the top - if you scroll back - won´t change anymore. Any clue how to solve that?




I´m not able to post the codepen link.


Just saw, that my original codepen got updated. Sorry for the confusion.



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