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Learn on How To Infinite Scrolling Snapping Cards

mage test
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Hey Green Socks Team, 

First of all thanks for all the amazing possibilities you provide 😊. 

I'm more of a Web Designer then Developer but feel comfortable to learn a bit of custom code to implement it in Webflow Projects with your help. 

For learning purpose I would like to understand, recreate and modify the "Infinite Scrolling Snapping Cards" example


I tried to recreate it in Code Sandbox but it didn't work there (I think it is because you need the Scrollsmother Plugin to make it work but probably I missed something else too)

Here is the link Sandbox

Is there a way to get a similiar effect without the need of the premium plugin at first and get the license if I use it for a Commercial Project?   


See the Pen BaQXjWw by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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8 hours ago, mage said:

I tried to recreate it in Code Sandbox but it didn't work there (I think it is because you need the Scrollsmother Plugin to make it work but probably I missed something else too)

Hello @mage - welcome to the GSAP forum. 

I just took a quick look at your Sandbox and it looks like it's working just fine - or am I missing something?

Also, just to make sure, it doesn't look to me like that example you're aiming to recreate uses any premium plugins at all. All it loads are the core GSAP file and ScrollTrigger, which is a plugin that is free to use for everyone. So any problems occuring for you shouldn't be related to any of the premium plugins.

8 hours ago, mage said:

For learning purpose I would like to understand, recreate and modify the "Infinite Scrolling Snapping Cards" example

That example is quite complex and uses some quite advanced techniques, so I'm not usre if it's the best to use for learning purposes - especially if you don't have the deepest knowledge. But if you really want to go for it, here's the thread from which that example originated - it was quite the journey and thus should have lots of useful information.

I hope that will help. Good luck and have fun.

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