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GSAP tries to run before API data is returned despite dependency

rdawg365 test
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Go to solution Solved by ryan_labar,

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I'm working on a React project and have a section that fetches data from an endpoint using a custom useFetchProjects hook and then renders the data in JSX. The data is fetched properly, but GSAP throws a bunch of "target not found" errors prior in the console that I'd like to get rid of. I think something about the async nature of the call prevents the DOM from fully loading before GSAP is called. I've tried passing in data as a dependency in the useGSAP hook (in the codepen I use useEffect, but they were both resulting in the same behavior), but it still runs and throws errors. Can anyone help explain why I'm seeing these errors?


I've attached a codepen link, but I can't get the React/Tailwind/GSAP stack to render properly. You'll still be able to see the set-up though.



Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 12.59.23 PM.png

See the Pen wvbyJEb by rdawg3000 (@rdawg3000) on CodePen

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  • Solution

The useEffect dependency doesn't stop the hook from running initially (it just re-runs it when "data" changes). What I'd suggest is something like:

useEffect(() => {
    if (!data.length) return;
    var featuredWorkTL = gsap.timeline();
  }, [data]);


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On top of Ryan's great advice, we strongly recommend using our useGSAP hook, since it's a replacement for useEffect/useLayoutEffect you can pass a dependencies array to it and run your logic inside of it.


You can learn more about it here:



Finally we have  a collection of starter templates for using GSAP in React projects:



Feel free to fork one of those in order to create a minimal demo if you have further questions.


Hopefully this helps

Happy Tweening!

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You can definitely use a useEffect with an empty dependencies array to make your API call and then update a state property and based  on that state run your useGSAP hook, something like this:


const [cards, setCards] = useState(null);

const fetchCardsData = useCallback(async()=> {
  const response = await fetch("http://example.com/cards.json");
  const cards = await response.json();
}, [])

useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, []);

useGSAP(() => {
  if (!cards) return;
  // There are cards, create your GSAP instances
}, {
  dependencies: [cards],

Finally remember to create a working minimal demo that clearly illustrates the issue you're having.


Happy Tweening!

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