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how-to: scrollTrigger (and maybe Flip?) with scrub

Carpi Coder test
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Hi! Thank you for this space. I hope to get help with my problem, and I will be super grateful :)



I am trying to achieve the video effect from this website, but I need to go a step further, as I don't want it to stay in the second position and keep there. Instead, I need it to position itself in the third div, right next to the text.


You can see my attempt on Codepen:

First: I don't quite understand why the video starts in the second div, if in the HTML it is in the first one and the GSAP effects are in order.

Second: I'm not sure if what I'm doing makes sense or if I am overcomplicating things, and maybe Flip is a good option for this.


I tried using Flip, but I couldn't get it to work with ScrollTrigger. I set it up, but ScrollTrigger only started the animation with the duration I set, but it didn't work with Scrub.


Also, I'm not sure how using Flip would solve having the video in 3 different positions, not just 2.


Lastly, in the example on the McCann website, you can see that the text moves up at a slower speed than the rest, as the video overlaps the same text for quite some time. I also don't know how to achieve that.


It would be very helpful if you could take a look and guide me in the right direction.

Thank you very much!

See the Pen pomdprb by carpicoder (@carpicoder) on CodePen

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Hi @carpicoder and welcome to the GSAP forums!


I think Flip's fit() method is the best choice here:



Here is a simple demo that moves one element to two other different locations using a scrubbed ScrollTrigger instance:

See the Pen JjVPyxd by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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Hi @Rodrigo, I'm having a strange behavior.


I have this Codepen where everything works just right.


But outside of Codepen (locally and on GitHub: https://carpicoder.github.io/gsap-flip-test), the exact same code doesn't work. The "video" div takes the same size than the final target.


Here's the GitHub code: https://github.com/carpicoder/gsap-flip-test


Does anyone know what the heck could be going on?


See the Pen oNRoRMN by carpicoder (@carpicoder) on CodePen

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Honestly I couldn't really tell you. After fiddling with your demo and finding the same behaviour locally, this seems to solve it:

const createTimeline = () => {
  flipCtx && flipCtx.revert();

  flipCtx = gsap.context(() => {
    const secondState = Flip.getState(".video-middle-container");
    const thirdState = Flip.getState(".video-final-container");
    const flipConfig = {
      ease: "none",
      duration: 1,

    const tl = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".hero",
        endTrigger: ".our-projects",
        start: "bottom bottom",
        end: "bottom bottom",
        immediateRender: false,
        scrub: true,
        markers: true,

      .add(Flip.fit(".hero-video", secondState, flipConfig))
      Flip.fit(".hero-video", thirdState, flipConfig),
    // THIS 👇
    gsap.set(".hero-video", {
      clearProps: "all"

Give that a try and let us know how it works.


Hopefully this helps

Happy Tweening!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'll have to juggle a bit with math in order to achieve an exact amount of pixels.


Roughly this is how it works:

const flipConfig = {
  ease: "none",
  duration: 1,
  absolute: true

  .add(Flip.fit(".hero-video", secondState, flipConfig))
    Flip.fit(".hero-video", thirdState, flipConfig),
    "+=1" //  <- Position Parameter

Each instance has a duration of 1 second, then your ScrollTrigger config has a start and end points which can be translated into an amount of pixels, then you can associate one second (duration of each flip) to a number of pixels (keep in mind that both flips will take two seconds). So you can estimate an amount pixels to a number of seconds and use that in the position parameter as shown in the code above.


I gave it 1 second and it looks good, but you'll have to play a bit with it. Take a peek a the docs in order to better understand how this works:



Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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Sure thing! Anything is possible but this might require a bit of custom logic and tinkering with the HTML and CSS in order to get everything working as expected.


Unfortunately this is a bit beyond the scope of the help we provide in these free forums, since we don't have the time resources to create custom demos for our users or solve complex logic issues. We offer paid consulting services and you can post in the Jobs & Freelance forums to get help there. Of course if another user wants to have a crack at this and create a working demo that's possible too, we just want to manage expectations, that's all.


Happy Tweening!

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