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onComplete conflicts with ENTER_FRAME?

ringo1988 test
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Hi, I was trying to make some effect but it doesn't seem to be working that function rect2 wasn't executed.


There's an array(rectangle[1], rectangle[2], ...)...

this.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rect1);

function rect1(e.Event):void
    rectangle[1].x = 0;
    TweenMax.to(rectangle[1], 1, {rotationZ:-180, onComplete:rect2});

function rect2()
    rectangle[2].x = 50;
    TweenMax.to(rectangle[2], 1, {rotationZ:-180});


If I replace onComplete with onUpdate, the rectangle[2] will be displayed, but what I wanted was rectangle[2] was created after rectangle[1] finished rotating.


Is there any conflict between Tweenmax's onComplete and event listener?

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hmm, I don't know what the larger scope of your project is but this is not a good use of ENTER_FRAME.

ENTER_FRAME events fire at the rate of your swf's frames per second.


Assuming your frame rate is 30fps, what you are doing is is creating a new Tween on the same object rectangle[1] 30 times every second. This is likely to cause many problems and should be rectified before trying to address any other issues.


There is no problem using ENTER_FRAME in a project with TweenLite at all, but if you combine the 2 in this manner it is counter productive.


if you pull the ENTER_FRAME stuff out and just do:


function rect1():void
    rectangle[1].x = 0;
    TweenMax.to(rectangle[1], 1, {rotationZ:-180, onComplete:rect2});

function rect2()
    rectangle[2].x = 50;
    TweenMax.to(rectangle[2], 1, {rotationZ:-180});


rectangle[1] will tween and then rectangle[2] will tween as expected.



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