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Issue with Animation Playback Depending on Initial Status

hebert lima test
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Hello, I would like some help solving an issue:

I've attached a CodePen with details of the implementation:

I have a menu that opens and closes, and the status of this menu is stored in the browser session (open/closed). When the initial status is "open", the animation plays normally ("start" -> "end").

The problem occurs when the initial status of the animation is "closed"; it should play ("end" -> "start"). I'm setting the position as follows:

if (!toggle) {
  // define if the menu should inicialized closed and set seek to ("end")

But when I click play, the animation doesn't occur (nothing happens).

if (this.reverseTimeline) {
} else {


See the Pen MWRzpPW by hebertlima (@hebertlima) on CodePen

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Hi @hebert lima and welcome to the GSAP Forums!


Is always better to use the reversed() method to toggle a GSAP Tween/Timeline instance:




Then you can use the browser's sessionStorage to keep the value:



Here is a fork of your demo:

See the Pen GRLwEQq by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


Hopefully this helps.

Happy Tweening!

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Hello @Rodrigo, thank you for the quick response!

I made the changes in my code and it almost worked,
I'll insert the actual code down here to explain better:


createTimeLine() {
  const logoRef = this.$refs.logo

  const children = Array.from(logoRef.$refs.logo.children)
  const letters = children.filter((c) => c.nodeName === "g")

  const timeline = gsap.timeline({
    paused: true,
    yoyo: true,
    defaults: {
      duration: .100,

  timeline.to(letters.reverse(), {
    y: 100,
    opacity: 0,
    stagger: .1,
  }).to(logoRef.$refs.green, {
    x: 125, y: 30
  }, "-=25%").to(logoRef.$refs.purple, {
    x: -125, y: -30,
  }, "<").to(logoRef.$refs.logo_container, {
    width: "28px"

  this.$refs.navItem.forEach(navItem => {
    timeline.to(navItem.$refs.label, {
      x: -10,
      opacity: 0,
      display: "none",
    }, "<").to(navItem.$refs.badge, {
      opacity: 0,
      display: "none"
    }, '<')

  timeline.to(this.$refs.collapsed, {
    x: -100,
    opacity: 0, 
  }).call(() => {
    this.sidebar.toggle() // useSidebarStore()
  }).fromTo(this.$refs.toggle_button, {
    display: "inline-flex", 
    width: '239px',
    height: 'auto',
    width: "auto", 
    display: "block", 
    height: "28px" 

  this.$refs.navItem.forEach(navItem => {
    timeline.to(navItem.$refs.badge, {
      opacity: 1,
      display: "block"

  timeline.fromTo(this.$refs.back, {
    display: "hidden", 
    opacity: 0,
    display: "grid", 
    opacity: 1 

  this.timeline = timeline

toggle() {
  this.timeline.reversed(this.sidebar.collapsed) // button action

In the video, the functional behavior is shown,
the problem occurs when I refresh the page, and when I need to restore the last status (closed), it doesn't seem to execute all the tweens. That's why I was using this.timeline.seek('end').

I have attached an image of how it currently looks when the initial status is "closed".



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