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Can greensock take input from site users?

lbanta test
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I'd like to be able to allow my site users to move objects around the screen. The objects are blocks of knitting stitches, so the stitches need to grab onto a grid when the movement is done. Can a greensock application do this, and if so, which one and how would my programmer go about writing it? (I just know what I want to happen, I don't know how to ask for it properly, much less program it.)



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Hello Ibanta,


The GreenSock platform makes it very easy to perform complex animations, either pre-scripted or in response to user interaction. The platform also has many tools for loading and managing externally loaded assets. The limits are only restricted by the programmer's expertise and capabilities of Flash as a whole.


Can a greensock application do this, and if so, which one?

An application written to use the various features of GreenSock would definitely perform well. There is no GreenSock out of the box solution to build this app. Your programmer would have to have extensive knowledge of ActionScript and custom code many functions that could be enhanced by the capabilities of GreenSock

and how would my programmer go about writing it?


Unfortunately the purpose of these forums is to help people trouble-shoot specific implementations of the GreenSock code when they are having trouble not provide guidance on how to structure complex applications.


you may have better luck in



or on www.actionscript.org


You're best bet is to continue to do some research and hire an ActionScript developer who is familiar with the tools needed to fulfill the requirements of your product.


Good luck with your app!



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