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Button border effect and button fade in issue

gsapmonkey test
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I have a requirement to do 2 button effects 1 for "Explore newest city" and another for "Services" button.


1) The button should be fading in and then text can slide up word by word. The issue I am having is with button fading in. Is the below effect possible with button. The button background should be slowly revealing from bottom to top like in below example.

See the Pen wvWvNGd by eric-chuang (@eric-chuang) on CodePen





2) The second button effect is the border animation with Services button. First, the border should animate and complete the button and the the text should slide in to the button. I have it semi working but the timing and styling is little off and the border around the button always shows? If I set it to hide, then border animation doesnt seem to work and also border has little gap.


Really appreciate if you can help me with some ideas. 


Thank you so much!


See the Pen GRLvZJV by codingchefs (@codingchefs) on CodePen

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Sorry but I don't quite follow what's the issue here. For #1 the effect is already done in the first demo isn't it? What exactly are you asking about that? You can explore how to build Clip Path with this tool:



Keep in mind that is better to have all the values in the property with the percentage unit in them even if the value is 0:

gsap.to(element, {
  clipPath: "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)",

As for the second issue your path is drawn incomplete, if you remove all the stroke animations you'll see it,  so that's working the way is supposed to. If you want to remove the border of the buttons just add border: none to the button class:

.button {
  border: none;

Also position your SVG so it actually uses the entire area of the button element and position your path inside of it correctly as well.


Finally we have the DrawSVG Plugin for things like this:



Happy Tweening!

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