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how to tween a textfield smoothly

premier23 test
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Im new to as3.

I want to tween the x property of a TextField.

I already did this by creating a TextField on the stage and add a tween.

But the tween doesnt run fluid.

I read somewhere that I should embed the TextField in a MovieClip.


Can somebody please provide me a quick example?

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with the textField selected go to the properties panel and make sure its anti-alias setting is "anti-alias for animation" not "anti-alias for readability"



the smoothness of a tween has a lot to do with many factors such as:


size of text

distance it needs to move

duration of tween

framerate of fla


perhaps if you post your file someone will look at it, at the very least you should provide your code.


if you want to try placing your text inside a Movie Clip follow these instructions:



you can start with step 2 as you completed step 1 by creating your TextField.

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