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Scrubbing through timeline not working on website but does work on codepen

LauraS test
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Go to solution Solved by LauraS,

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I have a series of animations that I put in a timeline. I then use ScrollTrigger to "stick" my interaction near the top of the screen and run through the animations using scrub. This works perfectly on codepen, but on my webpage, the animation stops working when the scroll reaches the end of the webpage. I just want the timeline to play to the end, but have it synched up with scroll. Should I be doing something differently please?

See the Pen QWoKYEa by lschneiderman (@lschneiderman) on CodePen

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Hm, then there must be some other problem on your site that's interfering. We can't really troubleshoot blind. Thanks for providing a minimal demo, but if that is working fine, it doesn't really help. Can you please provide a minimal demo or at least a link to the site where we can see the problem itself? 


Usually the best way to troubleshoot is to take a minimal demo and then if it's working, make it closer and closer to the "real" site until it breaks. Then you know exactly which step caused it to break. 

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