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Webflow integration question

misoanthropos test
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I'm looking on the Webflow forums as well, just wanted to check if there's maybe an answer here: is there any restriction on how many animations you can call on Webflow? I'm trying to do some simple animations on scrolltrigger but by the 5th one it just doesn't work anymore, doesn't work anything I try to do, even a simple gsap.to() is completely immobile. Can I be doing something terribly wrong?

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Hi @misoanthropos and welcome to the GSAP Forums!


I know nothing about webflow, but we have a Webflow dedicated section in our Learning Center with plenty or resources for integrating GSAP in your webflow projects:



Give that a read, watch the videos and hopefully you'll find answers there.


Finally I can't see why after a specific amount of ScrollTrigger instances, things will brake. It just doesn't make sense to me, maybe something else is missing, you have a bad selector or something else, but ScrollTrigger (or any other GSAP Plugin) shouldn't have any limitations in webflow as far as I can tell.


Happy Tweening!

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