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Setting pin to true breaks my layout and does not pin the animation

whereisNate test
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Go to solution Solved by mvaneijgen,

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Hi @whereisNate


Something in your CSS was not playing nice with GSAP, I couldn't figure out what, so I hade just removed the CSS and rebuild the layout. I'd also updated your GSAP plugins to the latest versions and set the ScrollTrigger to be the section where everything resides in. 


Also, you almost never need a .fromTo() animation, GSAP is smart and it will just tween to the browsers defaults. so .from() opacity: 0 will tween to 1 if you don't set anything in your CSS. 


Hope it helps and happy tweening! 


See the Pen gOqGKpp by mvaneijgen (@mvaneijgen) on CodePen

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