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Button problem.

~ocean test
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I decided to give AS3 a go recently (I use to always work in AS2), and I made a button thing like this:



ActionScript Code:

import gs.TweenLite;

import fl.motion.easing.*;


var tabContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();

var tabArray:Array = new Array();


var txtArray:Array = ["Home", "About Me", "Gallery", "contact", "info", "Portfolio"];


var urlArray:Array = ["link01", "link02", "link03", "link04", "link05", "link06"];



var descArray:Array = ["Matthew Zheng", "Matthew Zheng", "Matthew Zheng", "Matthew Zheng", "Matthew Zheng", "Matthew Zheng"];



var tabcount:int = 6;

// How much space between buttons

var tabspacing:int = 10;



var baseColor:uint = 0x000000;

// Color for Mouse-Over

var overColor:uint = 0x00CCFF;

// Color for active button

var activeColor:uint = 0xFF3300;



var desctxt:Desctxt = new Desctxt();

desctxt.x = stage.stageWidth - (desctxt.width + tabspacing);

desctxt.y = 75;

desctxt.alpha = 0;

addChild (desctxt);


function initTab ():void


for (var i = 0; i < tabcount; i++)


var tab:Tab = new Tab();

TweenLite.to (tab.body, 0, {tint: baseColor});

tabArray.push (tab);

tabArray.linkId = i;


// Tabs x - Position

tab.x = tabspacing * .5 + (stage.stageWidth - tabcount * (tab.width + tabspacing)) * .5 + Math.floor( i / 1 ) * (tab.width + tabspacing);

// Tabs initial y - Position

tab.y = 30;

tab.txt.text = txtArray;


tab.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tabOut);

tab.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tabOver);


tab.buttonMode = true;

tab.mouseChildren = false;

tabContainer.addChild (tab);


addChild (tabContainer);


function tabOver (event:MouseEvent):void


var target:Object = event.currentTarget;

target.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, tabUp);

if (target.activa != 1)


TweenLite.to (target.body, .2, {tint: overColor});

TweenLite.to (target, .8, {y: 70, ease: Elastic.easeOut});


desctxt.desc.text = descArray[target.linkId];

TweenLite.to (desctxt, .8, {alpha:1});


function tabOut (event:MouseEvent):void


var target:Object = event.currentTarget;

target.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, tabUp);

TweenLite.to (target.body, 1.5, {tint: baseColor});

TweenLite.to (target, 1, {y: 30, ease: Back.easeInOut});

TweenLite.to (desctxt, 1, {alpha:0});


function tabUp (event:MouseEvent):void


var target:Object = event.currentTarget;


for (var i in tabArray)


if (tabArray != target)


tabArray.activa = 0;

tabArray.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tabOver);

tabArray.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tabOut);

TweenLite.to (tabArray.body, 1.5, {tint: baseColor});

TweenLite.to (tabArray, 1, {y: 30, ease: Back.easeInOut});




tabArray.activa = 1;

tabArray.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tabOut);

TweenLite.to (tabArray.body, .3, {tint: activeColor});

Now from the back of my head AS2 for button coding would be like


ActionScript Code:






Now I want that in my AS3 code so I can go to say, a frame with the instance name of Home.


How can I do this without the use of URL's?

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since each tab already has a linkId you could create a frameArray like:


var frameArray:Array = new Array("home", "about", "contact", "etc");


the tabUp() function for MOUSE_UP could include something like


var target:Object = event.currentTarget;
trace("my linkId " + target.linkId);
trace("my frame " + urlArray[target.linkId]);

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