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Trouble updating shader uniform with gsap - R3F + GSAP

serotoninene test
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1852381662_Capturedecran2022-03-31a14_20_21.png.542649bf9068ade4c78aaceffab480ad.pngHi ! 

I've been using react-thee-fiber to create a 3D scene and using custom glsl shaders in it. I want to animate the shaders on scroll with gsap but got no result. Did I miss anything ? 


Here is my 3D mesh, basically a sphere, that should get distorted with the modification of 'uDistortionFrequency'. 

  <mesh position={[0, 0, 0]} ref={meshRef}>
          <sphereBufferGeometry args={[2, 64, 64]} />
                uniforms: {
                  uCube: { value: texture },
                  uTime: { value: 0 },
                  uDistortionIntensity: { value: data.uDistortionIntensity },
                  uDistortionSpeed: { value: data.uDistortionSpeed },
                  uDistortionFrequency: {
                    value: 0.0,
                vertexShader: vertex,
                fragmentShader: fragment,

Here's my gsap animation, 

useEffect(() => {
    let tl = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#MainContainer",
        id: "3D Timeline",
        start: "top top",
        end: "bottom bottom",
        scrub: true,

    tl.to(sphereShaderRef.current.uniforms.uDistortionFrequency, {
      value: 1.5,
      ease: Power3.easeIn,
      onUpdate: () => {
  }, []);

The results of the "console.logging" are always 0 : 



Maybe I've missed something, i don't know, when I change the uDistortionFrequency value manually, it affects the mesh. 


+ I've created an object "AnimatedValues" and plugging it into the uniforms, i manage to animate it with gsap but it still has no effects on the shader ... 

  let animatedValues = {
    uDistortionFrequency: 0.0,

// in the useEffect function ... 
 	tl.to(animatedValues, {
      uDistortionFrequency: 1.5,
      ease: Power3.easeIn,
      onUpdate: () => {


Edited by serotoninene
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Welcome to the forums @serotoninene


I haven't animated react three fiber before, but that looks correct. Whenever I think something might be a GSAP issue, I remove stuff from the equation for a sanity check. 


First, start by removing ScrollTrigger.


let tl = gsap.timeline();
tl.to(sphereShaderRef.current.uniforms.uDistortionFrequency, {
      value: 1.5,
      ease: Power3.easeIn,
      onUpdate: () => {


If that works, then there's something wrong with your ScrollTrigger.


If it doesn't work, try animating it without GSAP. 


function animate() {
  sphereShaderRef.current.uniforms.uDistortionFrequenc.value += 0.1;


If that doesn't work, then there's some other issue completely unrelated to GSAP at play here.


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Thank you for your help ! 

You were right, the problem wasn't from gsap, but from my custom shader that was restructuring itself on every renders 😬

I solved the issue by creating a separate class and updating only the uniforms inside of it.

Thanks again ! 

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