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Why does image paralax not work in this demo and how to enable it?

MarkTan test
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I would like to enable parallax for my images and have smooth scrolling using Locomotive.


Please tell me what is wrong with my example and how can I add a parallax there?



P.S. Open the full screen version to display the images correctly.


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Hey @MarkTan


It probably doesn't work, because you are doing nothing to your images with that ScrollTrigger-tween.


I applied a translation on the y-axis to the images on scroll (and changed the tween to a .from() tween) for example, and it seeems to do what it's supposed to.


See the Pen 23814605940ae3c51ef1476bdd30ca53 by akapowl (@akapowl) on CodePen




Also, codepen told me to pinch you in the leg, when I couldn't view your pen in fullpage view ;) ...so consider this done.

And btw, welcome to the forums :) 


Hope this helps.


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