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Issue on javascript selector to GSAP

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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi... new guy come to the pool.


I'm Hadi. Followed tutorial from Petr/ihatetomatoes, and then the issues is come up.

First, all the header and navbar is working with tweenlite, but after I put the container which are the main-page and footer. It's not working anymore. What's wrong here?

And about the code pen, I don't know why the animation won't moving there. But still the code is working fine on my file that I mentioned previously.

I'm sorry, lil shy to come with noob question. But I don't have mentor to ask directly. Thanks for the help.



EDIT: omg, now in codepen all the animation is working well, but still in my file just header and its nav which working. But for footer and main-page still not. So, what is the problem actually?



See the Pen xQzVoX by hadijedank (@hadijedank) on CodePen.


When something doesn't work check developer console by hitting F12 to see if you are getting any errors. Your demo was missing jQuery, you can add that from codepen settings.


Feel free to post GSAP related questions.

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Nevermind guys. Just stupid html order. ☠️

I put all the "script tags" between header and main-page LOL.

5 minutes ago, Sahil said:

When something doesn't work check developer console by hitting F12 to see if you are getting any errors. Your demo was missing jQuery, you can add that from codepen settings.


Feel free to post GSAP related questions.


Thanks @Sahil for the reply & help, such an extreme fast & nice community. Will coming here again later. Thanks.

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