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Looking for Coder/Developer to create an Interactive Stream Character with my Animations! (Paid, ofc)

jessejayjones test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hey there! I'm an animator, not a programmer.


So, I was looking for someone to work with me to create an interactive character for my stream! Send me your rates for a project like this! It's for fun on my personal stream, so not a huge budget, but will pay fairly!


Basically, my goal is to have a character animated in a Flash file that "listens" to Twitch chat (with ActionScript maybe?), and when certain commands are used, the character animates a specific sequence. It would also be cool if it could animate with Follows, Hosts, Subs, and Donations...


Send me a DM or email me (jessejayjones AT gmail) if interested! Or if you know of any resources I could use that would also be helpful! :) Thank you for your time!

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Hi Carl and OSUBlake,


I too am looking for GSAP code developers to help me make a couple of several animations (now simple animated gifs) for my website informationphilosopher.com.


I am gathering the animations onto a single page here.  



Some I have converted to mp4 to give my readers, and me in lectures, some interactivity.

Each anim has a link to the I-Phi webpage where the animation is described.


Like JesseJayJames, I am very happy to pay your consulting rates. I have a significant budget. 


I am hoping we might develop a simple but consistent look on all the animations. And I hope to learn to code GSAP myself, but would love to get them on my website soon and use them as stills in my next books.



Even if you heroes have time to do only a few for me, establishing the look and basic elements, perhaps you would then recommend others in the community to help finish the work?


I would like you to publish all the work to CodePen for the use of other community members. Everything on my website is Creative Commons.






Edited by Bob Doyle
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