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Flash and Safari Browser

billybolsa test
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Checked it out in Safari. Yes, there is a delay. But I had the same delay in FF. I couldn't open the page at all in IE7.


You are streaming the audio correct? If so you can't really control when the audio starts playing - especially since you are loading up the audio in addition to the other elements in the flash movie.


You can certainly tweak the audio file - vary the quality settings and see if it helps.


Do some searching on flash audio - too many options / stategies to discuss here.


All things considered, I don't think that you have an issue. The delay really isn't bad and it isn't like the audio is timed to anything graphical on the site. I

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Thanks, i'm not too concerned about the song, I was more concerned about the sound of the buttons in the photo gallery and when the man page transitions in and out, that's were i had the problem. You may have to turn off the player to hear it better. I don't have problems with safari on my Mac but on my PC i did. I have noticed other variations with it before too.


Thanks for looking at it, i appreciate it!

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Oh ... my bad.


In FF and Safari, the gallery buttons trigger the sound without delay. Granted, the sound doesn't go "beep" exactly on roll over but I'd have to see the code b/c maybe you have the "beep" triggered at a particular point in the button transition. Regardless, there is nothing different between FF and Safari on my machine (Windows XP - Safari 3.0.4). Maybe the button sound itself needs to be edited. For example, maybe the sound is 3 seconds long and the first second doesn't actually have sound. Make sense?

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