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.scroll( position:Number ) : Number | null

Gets/Sets the scroll position of the associated scroller (numeric).


  • position: Number

    The scroll position (in pixels). Or omit this to make the method act as a getter (it'll return the current scroll position).

Returns : Number | null

If a parameter is provided, it'll act as a setter and return undefined. If no parameter is provided, it'll act as a getter and return the numeric scroll position on the appropriate axis (vertical by default)


Gets/Sets the scroll position of the associated scroller (numeric). Remember that a ScrollTrigger is EITHER linked to vertical OR horizontal scrolling, so scroll() only affects that direction.


let st = ScrollTrigger.create({
trigger: ".class",
scroller: ".container", // if no scroller is defined, the viewport (window) is used.
start: "top center",
end: "+=500",

// get
let position = st.scroll();

// set