MotionPathPlugin.pointsToSegment( points:Array, curviness:Number ) : Array
Plots a curved cubic bezier path through the provided x,y point coordinates, returning a segment Array that's typically dropped into a RawPath Array
points: Array
An Array of alternating x, y, x, y point coordinates like [x, y, x, y, x, y...]
curviness: Number
[optional] This determines how "curvy" the resulting path is. So 0 would make straight lines (hard corners), 1 (the default) creates a nicely curved path, and 2 would make it much more curvy. Think of it like pulling the control points further and further outward from the anchors as the number goes higher.
Returns : Array
Cubic Bezier data in alternating x, y, x, y format (ordered like: anchor, two control points, anchor, two control points, anchor, etc.)
Plots a curved cubic bezier path through the provided x,y point coordinates, returning a segment Array that's typically dropped into a RawPath Array.