applyBounds( bounds:Element | String | Object ) ;
Applies new bounds to the Draggable.
bounds: Element | String | Object
The bounds to restrict the Draggable to. It could be an element reference, selector text, or an object with the values {top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 800} or {minX: 10, maxX: 300, minY: 50, maxY: 500} or {minRotation: 0, maxRotation: 270}.
Applies new bounds to the Draggable.
The bounds could be another another DOM element (like a container) using an element reference (like document.getElementById("container")) or selector text (like "#container"
), rectangle coordinates (like {top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 800}
which is based on the parent's coordinate system where top and left would be from the upper left corner of the parent), or specific maximum and minimum values like {minX: 10, maxX: 300, minY: 50, maxY: 500}
or {minRotation: 0, maxRotation: 270}