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I'm trying to figure out a simple way to shake an element with GSAP. The way that Animate.css handles it, is translating 10 pixels to the left, then, 20 pixels to the right, and repeating. Makes sense. This can be replicated as-is with a rather redundant TimelineLite setup, but I was wondering if there was a cleaner GSAP approach, perhaps using yoyo and/or repeat and/or RoughEase? Something like:, 0.1, {x:"+=20", yoyo:true, repeat:5}); really just moves the element to the right and then back to the origin. I'm looking for something that would move it to the right, back through the origin to the left, and then back to the origin. A bipolar motion, rather than a unipolar motion, if you want to think about it like that. Is there a simple, non-timeline solution?
Hi, i have found a function that creates a random shake effect. The effect is now endless but i want to use this function in my timeline for a x amount of seconds. See codepen for the shake effect, below is kinda how i want it to work. function Tween(){ var T =".circle",0.02,{x:R(-10,10),y:R(-10,10),scale:R(1.1,0.9),rotation:R(-10,10),ease:Sine.easeInOut,onComplete:Tween}) }; function R(max,min){ return Math.random()*(max-min)+min }; var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.add(Tween) .to('.circle', 1, {scale:50, y: -30}, "start+=0.5") .from('.circle-2', 0.3, {opacity: 0.0, scale:10}, "start+=0.6") .to('.circle-2', 0.6, {x:100, ease: Elastic.easeOut}, "start+=1.25") .from('.blokker', 0.6, {opacity: 0.0, x:15, ease: Elastic.easeOut}, "start+=1.4"); So this adds the shake effect to my .circle class but obviously this keep going and going. Just like the rest of my timeline i want this effect to last for a x time and then move on with playing the rest of the timeline.