Does Greensock's "No charge" license covers support for envato marketplaces? I want to make a Wordpress Theme/Plugin which will use GSAP as it's animation core and sell it to Themeforest/Codecanyon. As the "No charge" license states that:
You may use the code at no charge in commercial or non-commercial apps, web sites, games, components, and other software as long as end users are not charged a fee of any kind to use your product or gain access to any part of it. If your client pays you a one-time fee to create the site/product, that's perfectly fine and qualifies under the "no charge" license. If end users are charged a usage/access/license fee, please sign up for a "Business Green" Club GreenSock membership which comes with a comprehensive commercial license. See for details. Use at your own risk. No warranties are offered. Please respect the copyright.
Am I allowed to perform my submission to those marketplaces obeying the above terms?