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  1. I'm have a panoramic SVG with three main focal points. I style it to be wider than the user's monitor, and the idea is as they advance from one position to the next in the UX, the SVG will pan to center each of those three points to give the impression of moving along the X-axis. I'm also zooming in and out when the "frame" changes. I can calculate the center of each focal point and provide GSAP with an x coordinate describing how it should transition left to give the impression of forward motion. I use `scale` for zooming. However, I must to provide a positive `position` property to the `.to()` to ensure the two events don't happen at the same time, or the transform-origin causes problems: It's not linear forward movement; the animation tugs back and forth. I think it would be better looking if both props animated at the same time. I have tried adding an `onUpdate` callback attempting to adjust the transform origin as the animation progresses, but it doesn't work at all. something like: const setTOrigin = gsap.quickSetter(this.selector, 'transformOrigin') onUpdate: () => { // const currentOrigin = gsap.getProperty(this.selector, 'transform-origin') setTOrigin(`${animation.progress() * centers[1]}px`) // centers is an array of the focal point centers coords } Not sure this is even a good idea. Just something I tried. What I have, technically works. But it is pretty janky. And again, doesn't provide the option to use negative positions to make the animation quicker and smoother. I've made a minimal reproduction here hoping someone can offer some guidance: https://codepen.io/thomas-hibbard/pen/RwqbymO Thanks for any insight.
  2. Hello! I am new to using GSAP so I apologise if I follow an incorrect format. I'm currently creating an interaction map that is made out of SVG that uses zoom and pan. I have used multiple solutions (specifically this one) from other topics related to my idea and tried code from CodePen created by other users. At the same time, I am using p5.js which I noticed that this library can be used with. The issue I'm facing is when I try to implement the zoom/pan interaction from one of the examples, it causes an error when I try to interact with the SVG: "Uncaught TypeError: point.matrixTransform is not a function". I was constantly searching for the exact cause until I have removed the "setup()" and "draw()" functions which causes the interaction to work. Nothing else could have interefered as I have created a completely new project that only contained the SVG and the code of the interaction without any of the p5 functions which also worked. I tried to search if other people had a similar issue to mine, but it seems like I'm the first. I am very confused why this happens, does anybody know why? I need both of those functions to do the fundamental things with p5.
  3. Hello, I am novice, but i really impressed with this. I want to make product detail page having animations like this website: https://www.etq-amsterdam.com/store/product/men/low-3-timber/ When you click on product image, it will zoom it to full screen having pan effect. Also, when you scroll it, image will scale accordingly. I think they are using tweenmax, but i didn't able to crack it. Could you please help me with this? Thanks, Keyur
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