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  1. Hi there! I am trying to make a Landing page where it is a concept of blackhole in which images slowly fade inside blackhole while rotating. I saw it in an example where it is made using Three.js the reference site is https://www.cosmos.so/ I want landing page and the effect it got on first scroll.
  2. Cyber Division is an international research and development company.We are looking to bring a new identity and experience through implementing GSAP by Greensock to our website to make it more advanced and provide our users/clients with a new immersive flow that will showcase our history and achievements.Our new brand identity and UI/UX Design are done within our creative departments who pieced together all the required assets and elements to define the direction of the website when it comes to animating it.We have also pieced together a moodboard for the animations that we want to implement into the website and we are willing to assist through multiple calls and meetings throughout the journey of the creation of this website.The website is currently being developed using Next Js through two developers in our development department.What we have ready as pages to be animated are :- Landing Page- Contact PageAnd the website consists of more than 4 pages.If you think you are a good fit for this short-term position please apply and keep in mind that we have more projects to come that will require the GSAP expertise.
  3. mandooraj

    [Freebie] The First Draft

    Hi, I recently launched a freebie "The First Draft" HTML Template. It's just a bunch of super minimal responsive html templates with simple animations(which uses GSAP) for you to start with. The purpose of first draft is not to get it right, but to get it written. Get your Coming soon, Personal Website, Domain For Sale, 404 page ready within minutes. Don't let your website sit blank! Start Now! Spend not more than a few minutes to get your first draft ready! Demo URL - http://svencreations.com/thefirstdraft/preview/ ProductHunt - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/the-first-draft Please let me know your thoughts and share it with your friends if you like it. Thank you Cheers, Sven.
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