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  1. Hi there, I’m having an issue implementing a design where a vertical scroll transitions to a horizontal. The sticky horizontal scroll section is jumping when the transition happens. I have done a similar setup that doesn‘t include scroller: ".outer" where it does not occur, how ever this content will be loaded in a modal and from what I have ready I need to use scroller so it is not connected to the body container. You will see the first image jump upwards when rapidly scrolling. It seems to occur more on the first and last couple images. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey, I know this might be a bit hard question to answer, because its hard for me to explain it. I have an background, with an image on top of it. tl.to(background, 4, {y:-48, rotationZ:0.01, ease:Power2.easeOut}) ; tl.to(image, 0.2, {scaleY:0.3, transformOrigin:"50%", rotationZ:0.01, yoyo:true, repeat:1, ease:Power4.easeInOut}); When doing the second animation (the image) the background is moving a pixel backwards, and the image itself, is doing a jittery move, (not the same in all formats). My issue is that on my computer, phone, BrowserStack, other colleagues devices, and i cant reproduce it. But on 1 (my PM's computer) and the clients computer, this jittery move happens (typical...). - I've checked different browsers on the PM's computer, and tried with the exact same versions on my own + BrowserStack, no success. I'm always using rotationZ when scaling/moving an object, and i've also tried with z and force3D. I hope my question makes just a bit of sense, and that you guys have a tip to how i might be able to solve this, or some information about why this happen, so i can tell the PM + client that "it happens on 0.001% devices"... Should i put up a video of the case? - since the jittery most likely wont happen for you guys either. BR. Christian
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